About GCS Consulting

Gregor Riese is Principal of GCS Consulting with a background in the waste and recycling industries. GCS Consulting offers a multi-
disciplinary approach to ensure an effective outcome for industry clients.

Offering multi-disciplinary project management services.

For any query, call us on 0400 457 926

Property Services

Real property:

  • Plan and title searches across all Australian
  • Survey plans, subdivisions, covenants and restrictions on title using licensed surveyors
  • Property searches integrating zoning and spatial data to maximize site opportunities
  • Site analysis, layout and design using best available spatial data sets

Property leases:

  • Negotiation of key terms for new leases/renegotiation of existing leases
  • Ensuring appropriate lease obligations for potential environmental impacts
  • Property searches integrating zoning and spatial data to maximize site opportunities
  • Establishing fair terms for make-good negotiations

Planning Services

Development approvals:

  • Coordinate relevant environmental and planning expertise for large, complex applications
  • Develop strategies for ensuring existing operation compliance with planning permits including DA modifications and appeals.
  • Prepare compliance audits for existing operations in multiple jurisdictions

Industry monitoring and spatial analysis:

  • Monitor development across targeted industry sectors using proprietary and public-domain services
  • Using proprietary and public-domain spatial tools to determine location of facilities.

Environmental Services

Site contamination assessment:

  • Getting the right scope and fair value in site assessment work prepared by environmental consultants.
  • Review and interpretation of environmental reports to identify knowledge gaps or additional investigation requirements

Environmental compliance:

  • Measurement and interpretation of emissions standards and facility performance against those standards
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